Finding all of our families past and present
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[no surname] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z
All surnames beginning with G, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. Gabbard (1) 2. Gahagan (3) 3. Gainer (5) 4. Gallion (1) 5. Galuska (1) 6. Gambrel (10) 7. Gann (10) 8. Gardner (1) 9. Garland (21) 10. Garnett (2) 11. Garrett (15) 12. Garrison (2) 13. Gaskill (1) 14. Gaylor (8) 15. Gehrt (1) 16. Geiger (1) 17. Generous (1) |
18. Gentry (7) 19. Gerbert (1) 20. Gerhold (1) 21. German (3) 22. Gertrude (1) 23. Gibson (8) 24. Gidcomb (2) 25. Giese (1) 26. Gifford (1) 27. Gilbert (1) 28. Gilchrist (1) 29. Giles (16) 30. Gilgenbach (3) 31. Gillespis (1) 32. Gilley (2) 33. Gillogly (1) 34. Givens (3) |
35. Glasco (1) 36. Glasl (2) 37. Glass (2) 38. Glazebrook (1) 39. Gobble (3) 40. Godwin (1) 41. Goff (1) 42. Goin (1) 43. Goins (6) 44. Good (3) 45. Goode (4) 46. Goodman (3) 47. Gordon (2) 48. Goss (1) 49. Grace (4) 50. Graham (5) 51. Grammes (1) |
52. Grant (14) 53. Gravely (1) 54. Gray (8) 55. Green (3) 56. Greene (3) 57. Greenhalgh (2) 58. Greenley (1) 59. Greer (6) 60. Gregory (1) 61. Gress (1) 62. Greville (1) 63. Griever (1) 64. Griffin (21) 65. Griffith (3) 66. Grigson (2) 67. Grills (1) 68. Grisham (3) |
69. Griswold (2) 70. Grogan (1) 71. Groseclose (1) 72. Gross (18) 73. Grubb (8) 74. Grubbs (13) 75. Gulley (1) 76. Gullion (1) 77. Gumm (1) 78. Gunn (1) 79. Gupton (1) 80. Gurtler (1) 81. Guy (1) |
We have launched our brand new website with its own domain and hopefully a better opportunity to show how all our families tie together.